Connect an entire village to space with only one local gateway.

About: La Quilla is made by a team of German and Chilean architects and artisans who love nature.

They think that spending time in nature with friends and family is one of life's greatest luxuries. For this reason La Quilla was founded, to create an opportunity to immerse yourself in it in the comfort of our beautiful houses.

La Quilla’s origin lies in the majestic Alps, where the group experienced their first happy returns to the refuge, exhausted and exhilarated after a great day in the wonderful world outside. Happy and grateful to be back in the warmth and safety next to our refuge with their family and friends, sitting before the fire surrounded by the great nature.

Both in Germany and Switzerland the team of La Quilla experienced the positive impact on the quality of life of a well-designed and well-built home. How safe and secure one can feel inside it, even when the weather roars outside or the sun blazes all around, and above all, how honest attention to detail and the quality of natural materials can make a huge difference.

La Quilla 3D view
La Quilla inside_view

© von Bernuth Architekten

Monitor your smart village, no matter how far away it is

A village that is far out in nature, often has no connection to the global Internet, let alone to a stable and affordable Internet of Things (IoT). Some might say that's a good thing. But what if nobody is on site, the ground and vegetation dry up (e.g. greenhouses), a fire breaks out or someone causes damage unnoticed?

With the Sensoco Swarm Gateway, combined with Nanosatellite fleet from Swarm Technologies and Starlink, this problem is solved.

Sensoco SMT

Oversee your local crop fields with first class soil moisture sensors

Just one example of many great things you can do remotely with Sensoco Swarm Gateway:

- High frequency precision measurement technique with outstanding resolution
- Proven long term experience in harsh environments
- Fully waterproof design with high quality materials

High-End Moisture Sensors (Made in Germany) with the latest LoRaWAN® Technology, one of the world's leading IoT connectivity networks. Designed for:

  • Modern Farming

  • Urban Gardening

  • Remote Sensing

  • Resourceful Agriculture