IoT off-the-grid
C. Grundig C. Grundig

IoT off-the-grid

There is a lot of thought and talk about connectivity in the most remote areas. Can it work and most importantly, is it affordable? The short answer is yes.

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Sigfox vs LoRaWAN
C. Grundig C. Grundig

Sigfox vs LoRaWAN

There is a lot of debate about which LPWA technology is the right one. There is no right or wrong: there is only the right or wrong tool. Let's look at the facts: 1. Sigfox & LoRaWAN together in one…

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The Sigfox Network
C. Grundig C. Grundig

The Sigfox Network

Some people are saying that Sigfox is dead which is far from true. Here is some strong evidence to be confident in Sigfox future: 2.6 Million asset tracker commitment from Alps Alpine…

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StreamD: Global Satellite IoT
C. Grundig C. Grundig

StreamD: Global Satellite IoT

On September 7, 2021 at 7 p.m., I spoke with Christoph Grundig, co-founder of GREATECH GmbH, about cost-efficient nano-satellite communication for the global Internet of Things.

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Eco-System partnership with
IoT, LoRaWAN, Blog C. Grundig IoT, LoRaWAN, Blog C. Grundig

Eco-System partnership with

GREATECH is an official partner (previously Unitymedia), one of Europe's leading broadband cable providers. builds LoRaWAN networks with state-of-the-art equipment and provides the data connection. GREATECH offers turnkey LoRaWAN sensors for the LoRaWAN network.

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Official Sigfox Day II
IoT, Sigfox, Blog C. Grundig IoT, Sigfox, Blog C. Grundig

Official Sigfox Day II

After the successful, official Sigfox Workshop I in 2017, THGA Bochum (Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola), Sigfox hosted the official Sigfox Day II in Germany in close collaboration with GREATECH.

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Interview with long-term partner and client
IoT, Wireless, Blog C. Grundig IoT, Wireless, Blog C. Grundig

Interview with long-term partner and client

Larry Carruthers got introduced by a business partner in June 2007. The basic idea was to make a product that ran over Internet. We wanted to get the sensor data and send it to a website. We developed a first application and put it in a local supermarket in a small town in Holland. The beginning of a success story.

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