Ruhrkohle AG & THGA make mining shafts safer with Sigfox 0G
RAG AG has started to digitize abandoned daily openings, shafts and tunnels in the hard coal mine via the Sigfox-0G network.

Eco-System partnership with Melita.io
GREATECH is an official Melita.io partner (previously Unitymedia), one of Europe's leading broadband cable providers. Melita.io builds LoRaWAN networks with state-of-the-art equipment and provides the data connection. GREATECH offers turnkey LoRaWAN sensors for the LoRaWAN network.

Animal care with modern IoT
GREATECH and THGA Bochum partnered up to protect endangered species in wildlife parks.

Crowdfunding with Secufy® on Kickstarter
Secufy® is a handy IoT button that calls for help.

Interview with long-term partner and client
Larry Carruthers got introduced by a business partner in June 2007. The basic idea was to make a product that ran over Internet. We wanted to get the sensor data and send it to a website. We developed a first application and put it in a local supermarket in a small town in Holland. The beginning of a success story.